A happy momement. Your author collecting his Simplicity from its creator, Philippe Dufour.

Why Philippe Dufour Matters. And It’s Not A Secret

“I have no secrets as past watchmakers had. There are graveyards full of secrets and that’s enough.” –Philippe Dufour, 2014

Have you heard of Philippe Dufour?

Chances are, if you have been collecting watches for any significant period of time, his name is well known to you. If not, let me enlighten you.

Dial close up of the Greubel Forsey Tourbillon 24 Secondes Contemporain in red gold

Give Me Five! Tourbillons From Baselworld 2014 Part 3

This is the last in our three-part series on tourbillons from Baselworld 2014. It includes fantastic timepieces from Blancpain, Greubel Forsey, Girard-Perregaux, Hautlence and Vianney Halter I have stretched the criteria a little here: while I saw the Greubel Forsey and Vianney Halter watches during Baselworld, neither of them was actually exhibiting at the fair.

Close up of the Girard-Perregaux Tri-Axial Tourbillon

The Mechanism That Sparked A Passion: Thank Heavens For The Girard-Perregaux Tri-Axial Tourbillon

Today I don’t want to talk about one specific watch (though the Girard-Perregaux Tri-Axial Tourbillon gets special attention). Instead I want to discuss a whole class of mechanisms that made me cross the line from watch fan to so-called “watch idiot savant” (affectionately abbreviated as WIS): the multi-axis tourbillon.

Tourbillon Astronomique by Antoine Martin

Why The Tourbillon Astronomique By Antoine Martin Is A 50-Year Celebration

This month, Martin Braun will celebrate half a century on this planet. Though he did not expressly say he created the Tourbillon Astronomique for any particular reason, I almost suspect he was giving himself a huge birthday gift to celebrate this life milestone.

Roger W. Smith GREAT Britain watch

Why Great Britain Is Actually GREAT Britain: The R.W. Smith GREAT Britain Watch

I simply went gaga over R.W. Smith’s latest creation when I first saw it. Commissioned as part of the British government’s GREAT Britain campaign, which is on its third year, Smith’s latest creation is appropriately called the GREAT Britain watch. Well, of course!

The engraved eyes of the Sarpaneva Doublemoon

Stepan Sarpaneva’s Man In The Moon

Most of Stepan Sarpaneva’s timepieces involve the moon in some way. And of one thing Elizabeth am certain: it is surely Sarpaneva’s stylized rendition of the earth’s satellite that has drawn her to his work in such a powerfully magnetic way.

The moon seems to draw Sarpaneva himself in, but this trademark element came about in a bit of a surprising way, with much less advance planning as one might think. And, surely this is how the best things come about.

Konstantin Chaykin Cinema watch

Why Independent Russian Watchmaker Konstantin Chaykin Is A Movie Star

Konstantin Chaykin, the Wonderboy Russian Watchmaker – my name for him, hopefully he doesn’t mind – is a serious contender for being crowned one of the most progressive and talented watchmakers alive right now.

Previous models like the Levitas, Lunokhod, and his incredible clock creations that feature Jewish and Islamic calendars show that he is both creative and a top-notch complication specialist.

With his most recent creation, the aptly named Cinema watch, he stumped and astounded me with a creative direction that did not leave me wanting. The Cinema features an animation, or more correctly, stop motion recording of a horse at full gallop.

The mechanism used to create said animation? Why that would be his own miniaturized version of Eadweard Muybridge’s Zoopraxiscope. (One of the most awesome names for any machine ever; it even rivals one of my own wordinations!)

Urwerk EMC fine tuning adjustment

Heartbeat: EMC By Urwerk

Urwerk’s EMC is the first high-end mechanical watch that uses sophisticated integrated electronics to monitor its own precision. A simple adjustment screw on the back allows the wearer to easily regulate the timing themselves.

Inversion Principle by Fonderie 47: central 3-minute tourbillon, juming hours, retrograde minutes, dual display power reserve indicator

Forget Ploughs To Ploughshares: Fonderie 47 Transforms AK-47s Into Haute Horlogerie

It was all over the news just six weeks ago: Mikhail Kalashnikov, the inventor of the AK-47, had died at the age of 94. The weapon originating in post-World War II Soviet Union is one of the most widely used assault rifles in the world thanks to its low production costs, relatively simple design, durability, easy use, and – let’s face it – availability.

Linde Werdelin Oktopus Moon Tattoo dial

Heartbeat: Linde Werdelin Oktopus Moon Tattoo

In just over 10 years, Linde Werdelin have established themselves as a serious player in the highish-end sport watch category, with very credible claims in the domains of skiing and diving models.

However, for those looking for a dressier casual approach, Linde Werdelin do branch out of their more casual titanium case timepieces,